Here it is !!! From ManxMan Films and New Mercury Productions, The ‘Being Satori Circus’ Teaser/Sizzle Trailer. * IT’S HERE !!!!!!
Sizzle reels and /or teaser trailers are produced to help us generate interest to Funders and Executive Producer types who want to help us realize this film, and also to spread the word of this documentary film work in progress. We are particularly interested in those who have a strong interest in Detroit (& Michigan) arts, music and cool things like Satori Circus and his story. I’ve interviewed some 28 people and we are not done yet! We are now contacting some ‘names’ with connections to Detroit and the Performance Artists scene world wide. If you know someone you may contact us directly send them our way…(so, production continues, in filming, writing and editing). Our production email is posted at the end of the trailer.
The website for the film is under construction currently. I’ll annouce when it is ready !!!!
Here it is !!! From ManxMan Films and New Mercury Productions, The 'Being Satori Circus' Teaser/Sizzle Trailer. * IT'S HERE !!!!!!Sizzle reels and /or teaser trailers are produced to help us generate interest to Funders and Executive Producer types who want to help us realize this film, and also to spread the word of this documentary film work in progress. We are particularly interested in those who have a strong interest in Detroit (& Michigan) arts, music and cool things like Satori Circus and his story. I've interviewed some 28 people and we are not done yet! We are now contacting some 'names' with connections to Detroit and the Performance Artists scene world wide. If you know someone you may contact us directly send them our way…(so, production continues, in filming, writing and editing). Our production email is posted at the end of the trailer. The website for the film is under construction currently. I'll annouce when it is ready !!!!A BIG LOVE thank you to RT/KL/SC, my Co-Producers Brett J Lawrence and Michael Pfaendtner. My Editor 'Mikey-Mike' (Michael Pfaendtner) for your patience and talent. Our interviewees who appear in this trailer: Stirling Detroit, Tina Gloss-Finnell, Rob StMary,Joshua James (Maestro of The Theatre Bizarre Orchestra) Adam Owen Layne (& Sugar Monroe)Tim Suliman, Lady Mumble News Brett J. Lawrence, Rick Bielaczyc, Lushes Lamoan, Konrad Lee, Lounge singer Extraordinaire,Scott Dambacher,Brian Dambacher, Pinch and Squeal, Jeff Milo and Dixion's Viloin. For that matter, all Interview subjects that may not be in this trailer,* who gave unselfishly of their time and talent without expectations. We're here because you're there !!!Camerawork: Shawn Neal, Jeff Boucher, Jim Hannan and of course Dawn Baker for Make Up and everything else. Associate Producers: Sadaat Hossain, KB Nemcosky,(Happy Birthday) D.K.H. Baker and TGF. Also,…F.A.H. Corps, Joshua James & Theatre Bizarre (Orchestra) Josie Pace and Ken Roberts, The Satori Circus Choir.Music: Dave Dambacher, Satori Circus, The Theatre Bizarre Orchestra.Graphics: Joshua A GaudetteFilmed (mostly at Studio 425 and The Crofoot Ballroom) (2017,2018,2019 ManxMan Films . All Rights Reserved)Stay Tuned for exciting news on the happenings around the ledgendary 'These Are My Friends' show (2/10/19) and now, 'A Night With Satori Circus'.Thanks to all our KS Backers, family and friends. Now lets get this out there!PS: Be sure to go to The Theatre Bizarre Orchestra w/Satori Circus at 'The Loving Touch' (Ferndale, Michigan) May 9th 2019 !!!Cheers,MF 4 SC and BSC 3/12/19