Throbbinnoggin_Unknown Electronic Music Hero’s (from Germany)

In 1983, influenced by the growing electronic music scene, three young men from the small German town of Rüdesheim am Rhein, created their own brand of music within the genre and made a mark across Europe as ‘Throbbinnoggin’.

Borrowing liberally from groups they respected and admired like Neu!, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Can, Sparks, as well as from the early sounds of Detroit techno, ‘Throbbinnoggin’ created infectious electronic dance music. The band toured extensively throughout Europe but were never able to find a wider audience appeal abroad.

In 1989, after four albums and a multitude of financial setbacks, the three called it quits. Now, 30 years later, after reuniting in the studio for a recording and release of their fifth album, they’ve once again made their way abroad to embark upon a limited U.S. tour, wrapping it up in Detroit before heading back home. Rumor has it, this will be their last.

Some may be familiar or have a fragment of a memory of ‘Throbbinnoggin’. You may have even caught a show during one of their few U.S. visits. It would seem that they’re
aspirations to tour were plagued from the beginning with bad timing, bad luck and bad management. In 1985, they arrived in the U.S. to embark upon their first tour abroad: a tour that ended in catastrophe. After the first performance in Buffalo, their gear and merchandise were stolen. Upon their return to the states in 1987, they were held at custom, refused entry and were forced to leave the country. Disheartened and disillusioned, they returned home.

They attempted one final tour of the U.S. in 1988. After managing nearly successful run, fate played yet another cruel trick. After playing a club in Albuquerque, Klaus ended up in the emergency room from an apparent misunderstanding with management.
But now – They are back!

– Klaus Dix…vocals, keyboards and programming
– Horst Gropius…vocals, key-tar and programming
– Helmut Eigengrau…vocals, keyboards, percussion and programming

Albums…’Leitzter Ziegelstein (Eng: Last Brick)’
…’Kummerspeck (Eng: Grief Bacon)’
…’Geschwindigkeitsanzug (Eng: Speedsuit)’
…’(America) Make me Hungry’
…’Gatorade Burrito’

March 29, 2019
Doors at 8P with Performance at 9P (sharp)
$10 at door
Host: Christopher Bogucki
With Konrad Lee, lounge singer extraordinaire and SATORI CIRCUS
Special guest – Detroit Music Historian Michael Fiscus

Translator: Ernst Muller

Tangent Gallery and Hastings Street Ballroom, 715 E. Milwaukee, Detroit, MI 48202